Field Note


Since the last update, my soybeans have been looking healthy and are growing with continued bloom and pod setting activity with the assistance from a couple timely rains and consistently warm, summer temperatures.

As you can see in the photo, my beans are right around the R4 growth stage. The main plant difference we see at this point is internode length and count, resulting in approximately 2” of extra plant height, on average. Dr. Fred Below from the University of Illinois has stated an extra pod per soybean plant can yield two more bushels per acre, so we hope to see continued node growth, bloom and pod establishment as the summer winds down.

My agronomist, Craig Bloemker from Illini FS, and I wanted to share a little more detail around our trial design. As the as-applied map below shows, we applied 100 lbs. per acre of AMS (orange area) in the middle of the field with untreated areas remaining on both sides. We increased the rate to 184 lbs. per acre on the two outer treatment areas to compare results and create a solid border effect in the field.