Crop Yield Research
Studies show how ammonium sulfate fertilizer provides the nutrients crops need to thrive, providing higher crop yields to nourish our world.
Sulf-N® ammonium sulfate fertilizer satisfies the nutritional needs of high-yield crop varieties by replenishing sulfur in the soil and providing a more efficient form of nitrogen. But don’t just take our word for it. Browse the university and industry research below for information on how Sulf-N® can benefit your crops.
Healthy alfalfa consumes large amounts of sulfur. Atmospheric deposits, manure and other sulfur sources have lessened, so areas that formerly did not respond to sulfur have become deficient. The sulfate sulfur and ammonium nitrogen in ammonium sulfate have proven to counteract the steady depletion of soil sulfur and increase yields in alfalfa.
Key Benefits of Sulf-N® for Alfalfa
- Can increase crude protein, contributing to the nutritive value of the forage
- Replaces lost sources of sulfur in the soil from manure or atmospheric deposition
- Provides needed sulfur for nodulation
- Can improve availability and uptake of phosphorus and micronutrients in the soil, including boron, which is often needed in alfalfa fields
To learn more about how Sulf-N® can benefit your alfalfa crop, browse the documents below or contact us for more information.
Supporting Research
- Sulf-N® News: Sulfur Is Vital to Nitrogen Fixation in Alfalfa
- Bulletin: Sulfur Fertilizer Is Not Just for Sandy Soils Anymore
- Animal Industry Report, Dealing with Sulfur Deficiency in Northeast Iowa Alfalfa Production
- Wisconsin State Farmer, Cleaner Air Creating Sulfur Deficiencies
- Delmarva Farmer, Survey Tracks Sulfur Levels
- Farm & Ranch Guide, Sulfur Deficiencies Cropping Up in Unexpected Places
Canola has among the highest demands for sulfur of any commercial crop in North America. Applying nitrogen without sulfur to canola can even reduce yields. Most of the plant’s demand takes place between bolting and flowering – a period when cool soils inhibit the mineralization of organic matter in the soil. Ammonium sulfate delivers vital sulfur in the sulfate form, which is immediately available to roots when the plant needs it most.
Key Benefits of Sulf-N® for Canola
- Has been shown to double yields compared to a check plot, due to the combination of sulfur with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK)
- Delivers sulfur in the sulfate form, which is available to plant roots immediately, despite the cool conditions when canola begins to bolt
- Has been shown to help increase crop yields by 40% – 500 pounds per acre – versus elemental sulfur plots
- Ammonium nitrogen resists volatilization, leaching and denitrification losses
To learn more about how Sulf-N® can benefit your canola crop, contact us for more information.
Supporting Research
Sulfur is vital to corn grain production. Sulfur deficiency symptoms in corn show up 21 days after emergence and reduce yields by one to two bushels a day after that. Early planting and reduced tillage encourage cooler soil and increase the risk of sulfur deficiency during critical early growth stages. Ammonium sulfate in a pre-plant or starter application provides essential sulfur for early season corn growth. It encourages better emergence, faster maturity and higher yields.
Key Benefits of Sulf-N® for Corn
- Delivers 24 units of 100% sulfate sulfur, which supports the sulfur requirements of higher corn yields and is readily available for root uptake
- Provides plant-efficient ammonium nitrogen
- Resistant to nitrogen volatilization in surface applications for high residue systems, such as no till, minimum till, topdress and sidedress applications
- Improves kernel fill with ammonium nitrogen, contributing to amino acid and protein formation
- Unlocks availability of phosphorus and micronutrients in the soil
- Shown to have equal or better performance than traditional dry or liquid phosphate starter blends on high-phosphorus soils
To learn more about how Sulf-N® can benefit your corn crop, browse the documents below or contact us for more information.
Supporting Research
- Video: In-Season Corn Fertilization
- Brochure: Advancing Corn Yields
- White Paper: Need for Applied Sulfur in Corn Increasing in Indiana/Elsewhere, Camberato
- Sulf-N® News: Making Up for Lost Sulfur
- White Paper: Stay Ahead of Corn’s Sulfur Demand in Cool Spring Conditions
- Sulf-N® News: Staying Ahead of Corn S Demand in Cool Spring
- White Paper: Changing Sulfur Trends in Southern Agriculture
- White Paper: Pastures, Hayfields and Corn May Need Sulfur, Yarborough-NCDA&CS
- Sulf-N® News: Ammonium Sulfate for High-Yield Systems; Optimizing Nutrition and Corn Growth
- Sulf-N® News: Ammonium Sulfate – Higher Efficiency, Higher Corn Yields
- Sulf-N® News: Getting the Nitrogen and Sulfur Nutrition that Corn and Soybeans Need
- Sulf-N® News: Meeting Sulfur Demand of Modern Corn Hybrids
- Sulf-N® News: University of Illinois Research Sheds Light On Surprising Sulfur Use in Corn
- Bulletin: Evaluation of Corn Response to Sulfur Fertilization in Iowa
- Bulletin: Form of Sulfur Important for Corn and Wheat Starter
- Tri-State Neighbor, Minnesota Study Shows Sulfur Increases Yields in Heavier Soils
- High Plains Journal, Added Sulfur Improves Corn Yields
- Illinois Agrinews, Sulfur Boosts Productivity on Eroded Soils
- Lancaster Farming, Studies Favor Ammonium Sulfate for Corn Starter
- Soybean Digest, Corn May be Short of Sulfur
- Indiana Agri News, Cooler Soils at Planting Boost Need for Corn Starters
Most of America’s cotton is grown on sulfur-deficient soils, including the sandy fields of the coastal plains and silty southern soils that are low in organic matter. Cotton requires sulfur before its first blooms to avoid yield losses – as much as 12 pounds of sulfur per bale of yield. Sulfur and nitrogen are key components of chlorophyll, as well as amino acids that are critical to producing lint.
Key Benefits of Sulf-N® for Cotton
- Delivers 21 units of 100% sulfate sulfur nutrition
- Readily available for root uptake upon application
- Helps maintain a balance between sulfur and nitrogen in crops
- Unlocks phosphorus and micronutrients in the soil
To learn more about how Sulf-N® can benefit your cotton crop, browse the documents below or contact us for more information.
Supporting Research
- Brochure: Advancing Cotton Yields
- White Paper: Sulfur Builds Leaf Tissue & Cotton Yields
- Sulf-N® News: Sulfur Builds Leaf Tissue & Cotton Yields
- White Paper: Wet Spring Could Put Sulfur Out of Cotton’s Reach
- Sulf-N® News: Getting an Extra Cotton Bale From Sulfur
- Sulf-N® News: How Adding Sulfur Can Replenish Soil and Boost Cotton Yields
- Sulf-N® News: Maintaining Nitrogen – Sulfur Ratio is Vial to High Cotton Yields
- Sulf-N® News: Sulfur Boosts Cotton Yields and Quality
- Bulletin: Cotton Response to Rate & Source of Sulfur on Sandy Coastal Plain Soil
- Bulletin: Don’t Let Sulfur Hold Cotton Crops Back
- Cooperative Farming News, Study Underscores Need for Sulfur on Cotton
Ammonium sulfate is an excellent alternative to ammonium nitrate and has performed as well or better in university testing. Sulfur is vital for high yielding grasses, and contributes significantly to improved forage quality. Proper sulfur balance in animal diets can also significantly improve production of milk and meat.
Key Benefits of Sulf-N® for Forage Grasses
- Immediately available, helping to speed crop development
- Helps improve protein content and digestibility of grasses
- Increases yields for many common grasses, including bahiagrass, ryegrass and bromegrass
- Shown to improve nutritional value of tall fescue fed to calves, resulting in greater calf gains
- Shown to improve milk production when applied to silage corn
- Helps animals use dietary nitrogen more efficiently
- Safe to transport and apply, with no special placarding or record-keeping requirements
- Resists nitrogen volatilization, making it ideal for topdress applications in established stands
To learn more about how Sulf-N® can benefit your forage grasses, browse the documents below or contact us for more information.
Supporting Research
White Paper: Sulfur is the Missing Ingredient in Many Forage Stands
Sulf-N® News: Ammonium Sulfate, a Preferred Alternative to Ammonium Nitrate
Sulf-N® News: Why Less “Free” Sulfur Requires More Added Sulfur
Bulletin: Growth Response and Color Enhancement of Ammonium Sulfate vs. Urea in Bermudagrass
Bulletin: Nitrogen Efficiency & Color Enhancement of Ammonium Sulfate vs. Urea in Bentgrass
Cooperative Farming News, Sulfur Fertilizer Boosts Winter Forage Protection
The shallow root systems in potatoes are ineffective at taking up nitrogen deep in the soil. Since the ammonium nitrogen in ammonium sulfate is resistant to leaching, it is ideal for potatoes.
Key Benefits of Sulf-N® for Potatoes
Resists leaching below the potato root zone
Helps replace lost sources of sulfur, including industrial emissions
To learn more about how Sulf-N® can benefit your potato crop, contact us for more information.
Supporting Research
Sulf-N® News: Ammonium Sulfate, a Preferred Alternative to Ammonium Nitrate
Bulletin: Boost Potato Yields with Better Nitrogen Management
Bulletin: Potato Fertility Requirements & Recommendations (Nitrogen)
Ammonium sulfate has been shown to increase rice yields by up to 30 bushels per acre in university trials when compared with crops fertilized with urea. Unlike urea, ammonium sulfate resists volatilization loss, a particularly big concern on muddy soils. Sulfur is also critical, and has been associated with earlier canopy closure.
Key Benefits of Sulf-N® for Rice
- Resists volatilization
- Shown to be five to ten times less volatile than urea when applied on muddy soils without immediate incorporation, which is common when flooding is delayed
- Shown to help boost yields by 18 to 30 bushels per acre
- Shown to promote rice tillering and canopy closure three to four days earlier than urea
- May be spread as a topdress application, delivering immediately-available sulfur to crops
To learn more about how Sulf-N® can benefit your rice crop, browse the documents below or contact us for more information.
Supporting Research
Sulfur is essential for biological nitrogen fixation and is critical early in the season. An application of sulfur with up to 20-25 pounds per acre of nitrogen can boost the soybean crop while nodulation establishes. Crops with high-yield potential may also benefit from a second application of sulfur and nitrogen in the early reproductive stages, given that half of their accumulation in the plant is taken up after the soybeans flower.
Key Benefits of Sulf-N® for Soybeans
- Provides readily available sulfur, which is critical for nodulation
- Promotes early crop canopy for better weed control and light interception
- Can improve the availability and uptake of phosphorus and micronutrients
- Helps boost the number of branches, nodes and pods per plant for higher yields
To learn more about how Sulf-N® can maximize yields in your soybean fields, and to contact us about your specific soybeans needs, visit our dedicated soybeans page.
Ammonium sulfate provides ammonium nitrogen and sulfate sulfur, which promote tillering and healthy root development in fall applications and a vigorous start in early spring applications. Between the two, they can represent a major boost to wheat production. From a quality point of view, bread baked from low sulfur flour fails to rise, has a hard crust and lacks crumb structure.
Key Benefits of Sulf-N® for Wheat
- Shown to help boost winter wheat yields by 30 bushels per acre
- Boosts tillering
- Improves uptake of phosphorus, manganese and zinc
- Ammonium nitrogen resists volatilization, and has been shown to be five to ten times less volatile than urea
- Delivers immediately-available sulfate sulfur to crops, even in cool spring soil conditions
To learn more about how Sulf-N® can benefit your wheat crop, browse the documents below or contact us for more information.
Supporting Research
- Brochure: Advancing Wheat Yields
- Sulf-N® News: Establishing Healthy Wheat and Barley Stands This Fall
- Video: A Systems Approach to High-Yielding Wheat and Barley (Oct. 2019)
- Video: Sulfur Fertilization on Wheat and Barley (Oct. 2019)
- White Paper: Boost Winter Wheat Performance
- Sulf-N® News: Ammonium Sulfate Protects Wheat Yields
- Sulf-N® News: Boost Fall Tillering with Ammonium Sulfate
- Sulf-N® News: How Sulfur Improves Yields and Baking Properties in Winter Wheat
- Sulf-N® News: Sharp Eye and Tissue Testing Program Save Wheat Crop
- Sulf-N® News: Sulfur Boosts Protein and Baking Quality in Hard Wheat Varieties
- Sulf-N® News: Sulfur Can Be Critical for Wheat This Fall
- Bulletin: How To Support Yield-Making Tillers
- Bulletin: Form of Sulfur Important for Corn and Wheat Starter
- University of Missouri, Avoid Sulfur Deficiencies in Wheat, David Dunn