While we experienced less than average rainfall this season, the timing was good. We received just under an inch of rain after about 7-10 days of dryness, which was just enough to keep the crop from losing yield potential.
We had planned for 60 bushels/acre when we made our 2021 planting decisions. But now that the soybean harvest has begun, we are seeing yields average closer to 75 bushels/acre. In the AMS treated field trial, we expect to see a 3- to 5-bushel yield gain in the treated field as compared to the untreated field.
Convinced by the compelling results we have seen with soybeans, we are in the process of transitioning from continuous corn to a 1/3 beans and 2/3 corn rotation for each season going forward. Our decision to transition more beans into our rotation was easily justified based on the cost-effective yield bump we are getting from AMS.