Field Note
When we conducted tissue sampling in the past, it was usually because we saw an issue in the field and decided to take a sample to help diagnose it and develop a treatment. Proactive tissue sampling is not a common soybean management practice in our area. However, this year we learned that sampling is a […]
Field Note
When it comes to tissue sampling, our Ceres Solutions rep, Kala Pierucki, has the process down to a science. She monitors the field on a weekly basis to see what growth stage the soybean plants are in. Once they are at the correct stage for sampling, Kala will pull up aerial and AMS application maps […]
Field Note
This season so far has been going smoothly for us. We waited until after May 15th to plant our soybeans, so we missed most of the frost. We applied a complete mix of MAP/Potash/Boron and AMS in the strips planned on the trial field. The soybeans will not get any in-season nutrient applications unless we […]
Field Note
Meet the Washburns!
Field Note
Our Ceres Solutions rep, Kala, always tells us about new products and practices to try on our farm. We’ve been using AMS on our soybeans for three years now, but when Kala told us about the Supplement Your Soybeans program, we knew it would be a good opportunity to continue to see what sulfur and […]
Field Note
Five years ago, we attended a grower meeting where the agronomist leading the meeting spoke about the importance of sulfur on soybeans. Afterwards, we tested ammonium sulfate on some of our soybean fields and since then, we’ve used it on all of our soybeans and have seen great results. Our hope is that the results […]