As the demand for soybeans continues to grow, farmers are seeking new ways to maximize their yields and profitability. No matter where a field stands in terms of soybean production, there is an opportunity to increase output and meet the growing market needs. From the 30 bu/Ac fields to the 90 bu/Ac fields and all of the fields in between, there’s a simple step growers can take towards generating higher yields.
Sulf-N® ammonium sulfate (AMS) is a cost-effective, low-hassle fertilizer that can help growers elevate the status quo of their soybean fields by supplying the crop with readily available sulfate sulfur.
The Role of Supplemental Sulfur
Sulfur is a vital nutrient in soybean production. It is essential for growth and development, playing a key role in protein synthesis, and is required for photosynthesis and biological nitrogen fixation.
A few decades ago, farmers could count on the atmosphere to supply most of a crop’s sulfur needs. However, stricter EPA emission regulations have minimized these depositions, with most soils receiving less than 5 pounds of sulfur per acre from the atmosphere.
When applied at planting, or any time within a few weeks before and after planting, AMS plays a critical role in supporting the early-season growth and development of soybeans. This is particularly true under the cool and wet soil conditions typical during the early planting timeframe recommended to maximize yield potential.
“AMS is an excellent sulfur source for soybeans. Its readily available sulfate-sulfur supports nodulation, maximizes biological nitrogen fixation and boosts soybean development,” said Mercedes Gearhart, senior agronomist for AdvanSix. “We’ve seen plants staying greener with leaf retention longer into the season. This means pods are filling longer into the season, which translates to higher yield potential. AMS under such conditions just makes sense.”
Overall, AMS promotes proper stand establishment, season-long plant and canopy health, node maximization, bloom and pod establishment, and supports improved pod fill late in the season.
Real-World Results
The benefits of AMS have been demonstrated in real-world field trials. Since 2021, AdvanSix has worked with innovative growers and their retailers to see what it takes to maximize soybean production at the farm level through the Supplement Your Soybeans Program. As part of this partnership, growers conduct split-field trials, where half a field receives supplemental AMS, and the other half does not.
Sixteen trials were completed in the first three years of the program, demonstrating an average yield increase of 3.3 bu/Ac over the untreated soybeans (Figure 1). The Supplement Your Soybeans participants also observed taller, greener soybeans with more pods.
Figure 1. 2021-2023 Supplement Your Soybeans field trial results.
Given the improved health and productivity gains, adding AMS is becoming a no-brainer to help boost yield potential for soybeans.
Return on Investment
Ammonium sulfate boosts not only soybean yields but also the profitability of the crop. In fact, a 100 lb/Ac application of AMS can provide a positive return on investment with yield increases of as little as 2 to 3 bu/Ac. As a cost-effective input, AMS may be an especially attractive option to farmers as they brace for a potentially challenging 2025.
“This next year is going to be a tough year for growers. They’re seeing low crop prices and looking for ways to save,” said David White, sales representative for AdvanSix. “Cutting out fertilizer applications isn’t going to make growers any money, but 100 pounds of AMS per acre is a relatively inexpensive treatment that can help growers maximize yield and profitability on soybean acres.”
In addition to applying AMS, White also recommends farmers plant soybeans early and protect plant health through fungicide and insecticide applications. A full systems approach can help farmers elevate their yields to maintain profitability, even in more challenging years.
To learn more about how Sulf-N ammonium sulfate can help your growers elevate the status quo in their soybean fields, visit or contact your AdvanSix sales representative.