Field Note
While we experienced less than average rainfall this season, the timing was good. We received just under an inch of rain after about 7-10 days of dryness, which was just enough to keep the crop from losing yield potential. We had planned for 60 bushels/acre when we made our 2021 planting decisions. But now that […]
Field Note
With much of Northwest Iowa seeing less than 3” of rainfall so far this growing season, we feel fortunate there were a few timely isolated rains across our farm, which is just west of Fort Dodge. While we still need a good rain, our beans are very healthy as we watch them progress past the […]
Field Note
After the recent rains in Northwest Iowa, our beans have emerged successfully on our ammonium sulfate trial fields. We are pleased with both the treated and untreated stand, and are grateful that we have not had any bean leaf beetle pressure or weed problems to manage thus far. After a cool April and May, we […]
Field Note
Some spring rains have made it a bit of a challenge to determine my test field for the Supplement Your Soybeans program. We have what I would call normal soil, but it’s a bit heavy and can hold moisture for a long time. Since soybeans don’t like “wet feet,” I’m looking at a field that […]
Field Note
My retailer Shawn, from New Co-Op, told me about the Supplement Your Soybeans trial with AdvanSix. As a lifelong learner, I try to bring something new to my farm every year. What Shawn was explaining about increasing nutrition in soybeans really caught my attention. Typically, my focus is on corn, since we have ethanol plants […]