Field Note

We recently conducted pod counts on random samples of both our AMS treated soybeans and our untreated soybeans, finding that the AMS treated soybeans developed more pods per plant. We found that the plants that were top-dressed with 110 pounds of AMS in June saw an average of 50 pods per plant, while the untreated […]

Field Note

Our ammonium sulfate field trial is sitting at R3 maturity. Van Larson, our independent agronomist, and his staff are seeing 15-20 internodes on average, and our beans are healthy and fully canopied. We are in the midst of fungicide and insecticide applications and are happy that pest and disease pressure appear to be on the […]

Field Note

Our soybeans have received three treatments of AMS in our test field as of today. This consistent supply of sulfur and nitrogen should help us reach some aggressive yield potential. This year, we planted earlier than we normally do, and that led us to change the type of soybeans we plant. In previous years, we […]

Field Note

We got off to a positive start this year with around 50% of our soybean acres planted before the end of April. We finished the balance of bean planting by May 9. We experienced a cool, dry spring through most of April and May. The main challenges from this weather pattern have been getting traditional […]

Field Note

Here is a little overview of our SE MN farm.

Field Note

Our ammonium sulfate field trials in the Supplement Your Soybeans program will be on non-GMO soybeans. We have not finalized our exact application plan; however, we do know that we will submit a sample of our harvested beans to a quality lab to compare the protein quality of our treated vs. untreated beans to see […]

Field Note

Through my volunteer experience working alongside other growers and researchers at the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council and the Specialty Soya & Grains Alliance, I have been exposed to various leading edge soybean research. This has encouraged me to develop annual field trials so we can develop our own insights as we continue to […]