Supplement Your Soybeans Program

Started by AdvanSix in 2021, Supplement Your Soybeans is an on-farm field trial program testing the yield benefit of AMS on soybeans.


With an understanding that high-yielding soybeans require more nutrients, these growers decided to try more intensive management practices.

AdvanSix partners with innovative growers and their retailers to see what it takes to maximize soybean production at the farm level. As part of this collaboration, growers conduct split-field trials, where half of a field receives supplemental ammonium sulfate, and the other half doesn’t. AMS promotes proper stand establishment, season-long plant and canopy health, node maximization, bloom and pod establishment and supports improved pod fill late in the season. Using AMS is all about maximizing soybean yield, profit per acre, and ROI. Splitting high yielding fields is an excellent way for growers to collect data and observations on any performance enhancements AMS delivers throughout the growing season on their farm.

Meet the Growers- Patrick Riley


Patrick is careful to balance his operation’s expenses with projected yield and ROI before making nutrient management decisions, but now more than ever, he is open to new management strategies that will potentially increase yield.

Meet the Growers- Marc Kaiser


Marc says the key to success in his operation is proper evaluation and implementation of evolving agronomic management practices. For the Supplement Your Soybean field trials, Marc seeks to fine-tune the sulfur and nitrogen application timing in his higher potential soybean fields.

Meet the Growers- Ryan Reimers


Years of experience in the agriculture industry has taught Ryan that sulfur nutrition plays an important role in proper soybean development, including protein production and photosynthesis. By applying ammonium sulfate in the Supplement Your Soybeans trial, he hopes to see an increase of 3-5 bu/ac compared to last year.

Meet the Growers- Brady Holst


Brady conducts on-farm research to fully understand how different inputs, technologies and practices work on his farm.

Meet the Growers- Brian Ray


Brian Ray has dabbled with supplemental nitrogen and sulfur on portions of his soybean fields in recent years but is conducting a field trial this year to see if ammonium sulfate can benefit emergence and plant health in treated soybeans.

“The big thing we keep working on learning is when and where we can apply AMS and other nutrient sources to get the most value from them. We know we need supplemental nitrogen and sulfur…We know we have to replenish these nutrients and are soil testing to inform how much we need to apply.”

- Mark Kaiser, SYS Participant

Why AMS for Soybeans


Throughout the season, we will be sharing Field Updates, which contain the latest happenings in our farmers’ AMS field trials, as well as insights from the AdvanSix Plant Nutrients team and educational information from university extensions, researchers, scientists and other soybean organizations. We hope you follow along!

Traditionally, the time for planting soybeans was whenever growers were done planting corn. However, research shows that the optimal planting…
Traditionally, the time for planting soybeans was whenever growers were done planting corn. However, research shows that the optimal planting…
Traditionally, the time for planting soybeans was whenever growers were done planting corn. However, research shows that the optimal planting…
Traditionally, the time for planting soybeans was whenever growers were done planting corn. However, research shows that the optimal planting…
Traditionally, the time for planting soybeans was whenever growers were done planting corn. However, research shows that the optimal planting…

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