What incremental yield response can I expect from fertilizing with sulfate versus bagged or elemental sulfur?
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AdvanSix’s agronomy experts are available to answer your questions about how to get the most out of your ammonium sulfate investment. Mercedes Gearhart has overseen agronomic research at AdvanSix for more than 20 years, and has a wealth of knowledge about fertilizer use efficiency and improving crop yields. Check out the questions asked below or ask your own question.
What incremental yield response can I expect from fertilizing with sulfate versus bagged or elemental sulfur?
The yield response differential for any given crop will depend on a variety of soil and environmental factors. In university trials, sulfate has been found to outyield elemental sulfur by about five bushels per acre on corn and wheat studies. On forage, a four-year alfalfa study clearly showed that elemental sulfur did not become available quickly enough to make a difference in the year of application, translating into an advantage of a half of a ton with ammonium sulfate when compared to elemental sulfur.