Field Note
Despite the dry weather in Northern Indiana, timely rain and the higher water-holding capacity of the soils in our area may explain the encouraging number of pods we observed in the random samples we pulled from the untreated and the AMS-treated areas of our trial field. The untreated soybeans saw an average of 41 pods […]
Field Note
This season, our Ceres Solutions rep, Bart Leman, tried to sample as close to both the V3 and R2 growth stages as possible. He went to the line where the trial and control meet and took samples around 50’ from each direction, pulling two to three of the newest, fully developed trifoliate on 20-30 random […]
Field Note
We are happy to report that planting went well for us this year, as we were able to start the process earlier than normal. Our biggest challenge was the late-April frost that hit some of our beans that had already emerged. Our early season fertilizer plan consisted of Ceres Solutions coming out to spread potash […]
Field Note
The start of the year went smoothly for us, except for the frost. We finished planting in mid-May, but the early May frost caused us to reseed and thicken some fields that were no-till in early April. The ground we burnt down last fall, and hit once with the vertical tillage tool, seemed to do […]
Field Note
Get to know a little bit more about the Cervenkas!
Field Note
About a decade ago, we tried AMS on our corn crop that wasn’t getting enough sulfur and we saw positive results, so we then put it on all of our corn. We soon realized that the ROI was real, so we put it on a few soybean fields and again, saw great results. The following […]
Field Note
In the last five or six years, growers in our area have been focused on sulfur on both soybeans and corn. Over the last 10 years, we’ve seen the results ammonium sulfate can have on corn in our own operation and we have expanded the use of AMS to our soybeans as well. The Supplement […]