AdvanSix’s agronomy experts are available to answer your questions about how to get the most out of your ammonium sulfate investment. Mercedes Gearhart has overseen agronomic research at AdvanSix for more than 20 years, and has a wealth of knowledge about fertilizer use efficiency and improving crop yields. Check out the questions asked below or ask your own question.

Are nitrogen and sulfur recommendations for barley similar to those for wheat?


They are similar in that the goal should be to promote fall and early spring tillers, which represent most of the crop’s yield potential. Accordingly, if tiller population is low by the time the barley goes dormant, the crop should benefit from an application of ammonium sulfate as soon as it starts greening up. Nevertheless, nitrogen needs for barley are lower than for wheat:

Barley: 120 to 140 pounds per acre for a 100 bushel-per-acre crop

Wheat: 140 to 160 pounds per acre for a 90 bushel-per-acre crop

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